Backup and restore
Backup your Sogo server
there are a tool for backup and restore (and other things). This tool is called sogo-tool. With it you can backup and restore your server.
Backup user
#sogo-tool backup /mybackupdir my.user
or to for backup all the users
#sogo-tool backup /mybackupdir ALL
Restore your datas
For one user :
Restore the parameters (signature, filters ....)
#sogo-tool restore -p /mybackupdir my.user
To see what is in the backup
#sogo-tool restore -l /mybackupdir my.user
Restore the folders for one user
#sogo-tool restore -f ALL /mybackupdir my.user
Restore only one folder (Calendar or contacts)
find the name with sogo-tool restore -l /mybackup my.user and
#sogo-tool restore -f mycontacts /mybackupdir my.user
for restoring all the users you have to make a little script :
MYBACKUPDIR=/mybackup USE_SIEVE=$(grep 'SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;' /etc/sogo/sogo.conf|cut -d '=' -f 2) cd $MYBACKUPDIR for i in `ls` do # create account in SOGo and set general preferences sogo-tool restore -p "${MYBACKUPDIR}" "${i}" # create and fill all calendars and addressbooks sogo-tool restore -f ALL "${MYBACKUPDIR}" "${i}" if [ "${USE_SIEVE}" = ' YES;' ] then # restore all ACLs and SIEVE scripts sogo-tool restore -p -c /etc/sogo/sieve.creds "${MYBACKUPDIR}" "${i}" else # restore all ACLs sogo-tool restore -p "${MYBACKUPDIR}" "${i}" fi done
see also the FAQ article :
a script is shipped with the Sogo package to make automaticly the backups :
Edit them to customize