Use Resources with SOGo

Since version 1.3.7 SOGo supports the management of resources like meeting rooms or beamers. A resource has, just like a person, a calendar, an email address and may be invited to events. The big difference is that resources auto accept invitations.

Configure resources with LDAP

LDAP needs a new scheme for resources: calendarResource which is defined in this IETF draft. (It is not final right now) You also need the parent class for it calEntry which is defined in RFC 2739.

Martin Lehman contributed a calendarResource.schema file on the mailinglist (or use the attached version of calresource.schema). There is a modified schema for calEntry from openLDAP, which allows to use Unicode URLs instead of ASCII URLs only (or use the attached version of it calentry.schema). Configure your LDAP server to use these schema files. Then use your favorite LDAP tool to add some resources:

  dn: uid=meetingroom,ou=resources,dc=example,dc=com
  objectClass: inetOrgPerson
  objectClass: organizationalPerson
  objectClass: person
  objectClass: top
  objectClass: CalendarResource
  objectClass: calEntry
  cn: Big Meetingroom
  sn: Meetingroom
  displayName: Example Big Meetingroom
  givenName: Big
  Kind: location
  Multiplebookings: 1
  uid: meetingroom

There are several things to note:

In case you are using the same LDAP dn as for your users (which is recommended because Lightning may only use one of SOGo's address sources for auto completion) you do not need to change anything in your configuration as SOGo will automatically detect a resource by objectClass: CalendarResource.

Be sure that the resource has set at MINIMUM "View Time and Date" for "All Authenticated Users" is set in ACL.

Configure resources with SQL databases