## page was renamed from ServerActivesync = Integration of devices supporting Exchange ActiveSync = [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchange_ActiveSync|Exchange ActiveSync]] is the protocol used by Microsoft Exchange to sync mobile devices. The specification can be found [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc425499|here]]. * The "official" project mit best ActiveSync support can be found [[https://github.com/xbgmsharp/sogosync|here]] == Other projects == This old project is not actively developed any longer * There exists a [[http://www.algepop.net/users/alge/sogo/z-push/|project]] which is working on a ActiveSync connector, but it is not yet production quality. It is based on an older version of z-push that has an incompatible license (GPLv2 only) with newer z-push versions (AGPLv3 only). * There is now another project under way [[https://github.com/xbgmsharp/sogosync/tags|xbgmsharp / sogosync]] which is based on z-push 2.0. It is currently in beta stage (2012-09-12). * It will probably also have the limitation of one calendar and address book setup only. Although the protocol supports multiple calendars and address books, most phone implementations don't. * At the moment you will probably get better results with [[Syncml]] '''The advantages''' * Almost all mobile devices have built-in support that get a lot of testing. == See also == * [[Syncml]]